CAREA Grooved (Acantha, Armada)
CAREA Anchor (curved Artema)
Original creation of the CAREA® DesignLab.
Faithful reproduction of corrugated cardboard, in order to give life to your childhood huts, the TAÏGA finish, with its linear and straight design, gives character to buildings. Installed vertically, horizontally or both, the light catches the lines in a subtle and graphic way and gives the façade a changing appearance over the hours of the day and the seasons.
Do you have a project ?
Contact usDo you have a project ?
Contact usGreige (1–01)
Brown Oxide (1–02)
Chalk (1–03)
Sand (1–04)
Zinc Yellow (1–05)
Amber (1–06)
Samoa (1–50)
Sepia (1–51)
Linen (1–52)
Nutmeg (1–53)
Sahara (1–54)
Alpaca (1–55)
Clementine (2–01)
Crimson Red (3–01)
Bordeaux (3–02)
Fuchsia (4–01)
Turquoise (5–01)
Celestial Blue (5-02)
Cobalt (5–50)
Apple (6–01)
Pine Green (6–02)
Clay Green (6–03)
Chrome Green (6–04)
Fern (6–50)
Chocolate (8–01)
Foal (8–02)
Terracotta (8–03)
Earth (8–04)
Terracotta Tile (8-50)
Mocha (8–51)
Cappuccino (8–52)
Lead (7–01)
Anthracite Grey (7–02)
Slate Grey (7–03)
Grain Grey (7–04)
Quartz Grey (7–05)
Cloud Grey (7–06)
Sleet (7–50)
Lava Stone (7–51)
Pepper (7–52)
Galapagos (7–53)
Asphalt Grey (7–54)
Pearl White (9–01)
White (9–02)
Foam White (9–03)
Ice White (9–04)
Night (9–05)
Black (9–06)
Speckled White (9–50)
Marble White (9–51)
Granite (9–52)
Volcano (9–53)
Galaxy (9–54)
Sunset (10–01)
Lilac (10–02)
Tropical Forest (10–03)
Ocean (10–04)
Green-Brown Metal (11–01)
Gold (11–02)
Copper (11–03)
Silver Grey (11–04)
Rainbow Grey (11–05)
Hammered Brown (11–06)
Hammered Black (11–07)
Hammered Silver (11–08)
Alpaca (1–55)
Sahara (1–54)
Nutmeg (1–53)
Linen (1–52)
Sepia (1–51)
Samoa (1–50)
Amber (1–06)
Zinc Yellow (1–05)
Sand (1–04)
Chalk (1–03)
Brown Oxide (1–02)
Greige (1–01)
Fuchsia (4–01)
Bordeaux (3–02)
Crimson Red (3–01)
Clementine (2–01)
Celestial Blue (5-02)
Cobalt (5–50)
Turquoise (5–01)
Fern (6–50)
Chrome Green (6–04)
Clay Green (6–03)
Pine Green (6–02)
Apple (6–01)
Cappuccino (8–52)
Mocha (8–51)
Terracotta Tile (8-50)
Earth (8–04)
Terracotta (8–03)
Foal (8–02)
Chocolate (8–01)
Galaxy (9–54)
Volcano (9–53)
Granite (9–52)
Marble White (9–51)
Speckled White (9–50)
Black (9–06)
Night (9–05)
Ice White (9–04)
Foam White (9–03)
White (9–02)
Pearl White (9–01)
Asphalt Grey (7–54)
Galapagos (7–53)
Pepper (7–52)
Lava Stone (7–51)
Sleet (7–50)
Cloud Grey (7–06)
Quartz Grey (7–05)
Grain Grey (7–04)
Slate Grey (7–03)
Anthracite Grey (7–02)
Lead (7–01)
Ocean (10–04)
Tropical Forest (10–03)
Lilac (10–02)
Sunset (10–01)
Hammered Silver (11–08)
Hammered Black (11–07)
Hammered Brown (11–06)
Rainbow Grey (11–05)
Silver Grey (11–04)
Copper (11–03)
Gold (11–02)
Green-Brown Metal (11–01)
CAREA Grooved (Acantha, Armada)
CAREA Anchor (curved Artema)
Original creation of the CAREA® DesignLab.
Faithful reproduction of corrugated cardboard, in order to give life to your childhood huts, the TAÏGA finish, with its linear and straight design, gives character to buildings. Installed vertically, horizontally or both, the light catches the lines in a subtle and graphic way and gives the façade a changing appearance over the hours of the day and the seasons.
Do you have a project ?
Contact usGreige (1–01)
Brown Oxide (1–02)
Chalk (1–03)
Sand (1–04)
Zinc Yellow (1–05)
Amber (1–06)
Samoa (1–50)
Sepia (1–51)
Linen (1–52)
Nutmeg (1–53)
Sahara (1–54)
Alpaca (1–55)
Clementine (2–01)
Crimson Red (3–01)
Bordeaux (3–02)
Fuchsia (4–01)
Turquoise (5–01)
Celestial Blue (5-02)
Cobalt (5–50)
Apple (6–01)
Pine Green (6–02)
Clay Green (6–03)
Chrome Green (6–04)
Fern (6–50)
Chocolate (8–01)
Foal (8–02)
Terracotta (8–03)
Earth (8–04)
Terracotta Tile (8-50)
Mocha (8–51)
Cappuccino (8–52)
Lead (7–01)
Anthracite Grey (7–02)
Slate Grey (7–03)
Grain Grey (7–04)
Quartz Grey (7–05)
Cloud Grey (7–06)
Sleet (7–50)
Lava Stone (7–51)
Pepper (7–52)
Galapagos (7–53)
Asphalt Grey (7–54)
Pearl White (9–01)
White (9–02)
Foam White (9–03)
Ice White (9–04)
Night (9–05)
Black (9–06)
Speckled White (9–50)
Marble White (9–51)
Granite (9–52)
Volcano (9–53)
Galaxy (9–54)
Sunset (10–01)
Lilac (10–02)
Tropical Forest (10–03)
Ocean (10–04)
Green-Brown Metal (11–01)
Gold (11–02)
Copper (11–03)
Silver Grey (11–04)
Rainbow Grey (11–05)
Hammered Brown (11–06)
Hammered Black (11–07)
Hammered Silver (11–08)
Alpaca (1–55)
Sahara (1–54)
Nutmeg (1–53)
Linen (1–52)
Sepia (1–51)
Samoa (1–50)
Amber (1–06)
Zinc Yellow (1–05)
Sand (1–04)
Chalk (1–03)
Brown Oxide (1–02)
Greige (1–01)
Fuchsia (4–01)
Bordeaux (3–02)
Crimson Red (3–01)
Clementine (2–01)
Celestial Blue (5-02)
Cobalt (5–50)
Turquoise (5–01)
Fern (6–50)
Chrome Green (6–04)
Clay Green (6–03)
Pine Green (6–02)
Apple (6–01)
Cappuccino (8–52)
Mocha (8–51)
Terracotta Tile (8-50)
Earth (8–04)
Terracotta (8–03)
Foal (8–02)
Chocolate (8–01)
Galaxy (9–54)
Volcano (9–53)
Granite (9–52)
Marble White (9–51)
Speckled White (9–50)
Black (9–06)
Night (9–05)
Ice White (9–04)
Foam White (9–03)
White (9–02)
Pearl White (9–01)
Asphalt Grey (7–54)
Galapagos (7–53)
Pepper (7–52)
Lava Stone (7–51)
Sleet (7–50)
Cloud Grey (7–06)
Quartz Grey (7–05)
Grain Grey (7–04)
Slate Grey (7–03)
Anthracite Grey (7–02)
Lead (7–01)
Ocean (10–04)
Tropical Forest (10–03)
Lilac (10–02)
Sunset (10–01)
Hammered Silver (11–08)
Hammered Black (11–07)
Hammered Brown (11–06)
Rainbow Grey (11–05)
Silver Grey (11–04)
Copper (11–03)
Gold (11–02)
Green-Brown Metal (11–01)
Carea Box: a set of selected samples that will draw you into the CAREA inspirational universe.